Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Shalom Aleichem

Now that my Talmud Muvhak has come out of the closet, I felt it's most appropriate that I do the same. I mamish sit on the Moetzes yet I don't believe a word of it. It's all Sheker and yet I still must continue on this mission of mine to lead Klal Yisroel down the path of their own choosing.

I'll post more and I will respond to your Shailos, but as I'm a Godol and need not get down to your level, I will only be comunicating with you through posts.

With Torah greetings ala Richard Elliot Friedman, ;)

The Orthoprax Godol Hador.  


Anonymous said...

Not Bad

shim (Shimon) said...

this feels a little like a copycat game but I will wait a little before I completely decide ok? happy?

litvishe is the shit said...

I have it on good confidence that this blogs author is rabbi aron leib shteinman.

Anonymous said...

I would think that whoever is the Godol Hador would know how to spell talmid.

You're obviously no less a fraud than he is.

OG said...

That's Rabbo Aron Leib Shteinman, to you. Have a litle Kavod and use capitols. Anyhow, no I'm not, but he's a close investor, I mean chaver, of mine.

Talmud is a Remez to the Gemara as in, "Talmud Bavli", you amhaaretz. And next time stand up when you comment to me.

B'anivus Godol,